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business tips

Start Looking Forward to Mondays With These Helpful Tips
It’s Sunday night. You’ve just spent your weekend worry free, relaxing and enjoying your time off. Then all of a sudden it hits you. Tomorrow is Monday! You get a pit in your stomach and start feeling overwhelmed by the thought of your to-do list for the upcoming workweek. Even those who love their jobs
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You Can’t Rely On Your Website to Give Excellent Customer Service and Here’s Why
Not only are you a business owner, but you’re a customer too; a customer to other businesses. Just like your customers, you conduct your own research before committing to buying a particular product or service. But what happens when you can’t find what you’re looking for? If you’re like the majority of consumers, you get
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How to Prepare Your Business for a Hurricane
Is your business located in an area that is prone to hurricanes? Being an emergency answering servicelocated in Florida, we’ve seen our share of hurricanes and tropical storms since opening our doors back in 1986. Our business has backup plans for our backup plans that have kept us in operation through Hurricane Charlie, Francis, Jean and
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Quick, are these 7 morale killers ruining your office environment?
At one point in your career, chances are, you’ve had to endure a horrible office environment; we’ve all been there. Where every day feels like it’s the worst day and you dread waking up and heading into work. The entire day goes by in super slow speed and you may have found yourself intensely staring
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10 Important Phone Calls Your Business Can’t Afford to Miss
Successful business owners know that missing incoming phone calls is not an option. You never know who is reaching out to you on the telephone and how you can help them. As such, each and every phone call you receive should be given the highest priority. Being experts in the telecommunications and customer service industry,
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