You can’t control or predict when emergencies will arise. As a business owner, all you can do is have a reliable plan in place for when those urgent calls do come in. Just about any industry or professional can benefit from an experienced emergency answering serviceto help them. Our customers range from physician offices to elevator
This week’s receptionist etiquette tips article involves understanding the importance of tone of voice in your customer service. Your telephone agent’s tone will tell your customers who you are, what you stand for and what they can expect from your office. We’ll talk you through the most important elements of verbal communication and show you how to select
If you throw a pebble into a lake, a ripple will form. This example is just one of the many classic examples of the cause and effect theory. In the business world, what happens when you deliver bad customer service to consumers? In this special article, we discuss the main effects of bad customer service and include
Did you know that call centers have one of the highest turnover rates of any industry? It’s an extremely stressful job that is highly underestimated. The reason for short agent “life spans” is due to many call centers undervaluing the importance of keeping agents happy. Whether you’re the owner of a call center or are
True or False: After you’ve convinced a customer to buy your product or service, your job is done. We hope you responded with an adamant, “False!” It’s like meeting the ideal man or woman of your dreams and being satisfied with just one date. When you find your ideal customer, hang on to them and