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courteous communications

Our Bullying Hotline Brings You 5 Signs Your Child is Being Cyberbullied
Here at A Courteous Communications, we have a bullying hotline that we manage and answer 24 hour a day for parents and children being affected by cyberbullies. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyber threats online or have been a victim of cyberbullying. In the past, it was very hard to keep your kids
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Are you addicted to your cell phone? Advice from our cell phone answering service
If you have come across this article, you have probably typed into Google, with your smartphone, “Signs I am addicted to my smartphone,” or “Am I addicted to my cell phone?” Chances are if you are researching signs to help distinguish if you are addicted, you have noticed there is a problem. Our cell phone answering service wants to
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Who Better to Give You Tips for Phone Interviews than a Phone Answering Service?
If you are new to Human Resources or just landed a job as a recruiter in a reputable staffing agency, you will be forced to conduct many telephone interviews. Our phone answering service has you covered and will walk you through the steps of a successful phone interview that will bring in the best candidates for the
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Our Cell Phone Answering Service Shares Why You Need to Put the Cell Away While Driving
Each day in the United States, more than 9 people are killed and more than 1,153 people are injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are three main distractions that can occur while driving.  1. Taking Your Eyes Off the Road Causes
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An Answering Service for Roofers Can Come in Handy as Winter Approaches
We think the roof is the most important part of any building as it protects its inhabitants from dangerous elements. As summer fades and we all settle into fall, many homeowners are looking to prepare their homes for the harsh weather that the winter season brings. An answering service for roofers can help answer your lines, schedule
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