If you’re a current customer of our Summertime Business Answering Service, or are looking for various tasks our team can perform on your behalf; this article is for you! Here is a list of 20 bits of information that you should contact us about. We want to deliver the most accurate and up-to-date customer assistance possible.
Why is Instagram an effective way to market your product or service? • 60% of people say they discover new products on Instagram. • 75% of Instagrammers take action after being inspired by a post. • 80% of Instagrammers follow a business on Instagram. • 400 Million people worldwide use Instagram every day. Read on to learn
Starting a small business on your own can be a very stressful endeavor. I am sure you have started researching subjects dealing with startup tips and have read many articles about advice and business solutions. Doing this research has probably led you to a few articles about pitfalls and cautionary tales about startup businesses. This
Entrepreneurs are constantly trying to keep their overhead costs and operational expenses as low as possible. In this article, our digital call center shows you how you can save money by outsourcing business calls. Saving Money by Outsourcing Business Calls 1. Electronic communication saves your business money. Our virtual receptionists are very green in that
In a perfect world, all business owners and sales teams would have their phones ringing off the hook from people wanting to buy what they’re selling. However, in the real world, you’re going to have to work really hard to find and earn new business opportunities. If you’re looking for fresh and creative sales proposal