Why We Enter and Win Telephone Answering Service Competitions
You may not be aware, but A Courteous Communications enters our staff into customer service competitions in the business telephone answering service industry each year.
Yes, we enter our virtual receptionists into annual competitions within the telecommunications industry so that we can be in the running to win fantastic awards, but mainly, we enter to keep our skills sharp, modern and within the top tier amongst our competitors. In order to claim that we are the best telephone answering service in the United States, we must compete with others in our field to really show what we are made of.
Each year we enter our virtual office receptionists into contests provided by the regulators of our industry; such as, ATSI and CAMX. During these intense and vigorous contests, highly trained judges in the 24 hour call center industry monitor and screen hundreds of our virtual receptionist calls. Throughout the year, they grade each call monitored and the scores are then compiled and averaged out to give our after-hours telephone answering overall scores. If are scores are high enough and we have provided elite customer service to our business customers, we will receive an award of excellence or be acknowledged for our superior and outstanding business answering service skills.
In the past years, we have won many awards of excellence for being in the top 20% amongst our competitors and peers. We believe that our award winning, 30-year-old company provides the best telephone answering services in our business and we have the awards to prove such a statement. Each year our President and fearless leader, Doris Primicerio, attends the award ceremonies throughout the nation to accept the prestigious honors for our hard working virtual receptionist staff. Each year after winning such titles, our staff has a large party to celebrate our hard work in achieving excellence in our industry.
During the intense 6-month long programs, our telephone agents never know when a mystery call will happen and be initiated by the judges. They keep their status and call purpose unknown and act as if they are calling as our business client’s customer; asking routine questions that one might expect on that company’s telephone line. It is not until the last 5 seconds of the call that our virtual receptionists learn that the call was a test and not in fact a live inquiry but a staged one to monitor their skills as a customer service representative and telephone agent.
We use these mock calls and the judge’s grades to see if there are any problem areas our telephone answering and telephone message services may have. If a problem or lack of following procedure appears frequently, we will address the issues concerned and hold a special training program and/or meeting to rectify and correct any issues the staff has as a whole.
Most of the time, our virtual receptionists perform even better than our supervisors’ expectations; allowing us to celebrate our employees and their hard work with a great deal of enthusiasm. If one of our virtual receptionists consistently receives high marks on their quality of calls, our head of operations and vice-president treat them to a special lunch to discuss their employment with the company and future growth within the chain of operations. We also appoint employees of the month who really provide exceptional customer service to our business owners.
By entering these various competitions, we are able to perfect our business answering service and grow as a company together. The mystery calls and call monitoring programs allow us to provide quality assurance and recognize both the strong and weak points of our business model.
Plus, let’s get real; every business owner loves to receive a big fancy award, plaque or other brag worthy recognitions. It shows that all of our hard work is appreciated, recognized and admired.
Call us today to have a free initial consultation with one of our account specialists in our telephone answering service to see how we can bring our award winning customer services to your establishment.