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Customer Service Tips: 15 Ways to Deliver a Killer Customer Experience Online

Customer Service Tips: 15 Ways to Deliver a Killer Customer Experience Online

In today’s digital world, eCommerce businesses have the ability to truly shine by providing an exquisite online customer service experience. By focusing on minor ways to constantly enhance your site, you can dramatically increase your conversion rates.    

Follow some of these customer service tips that showcase the best customer service website enhancements that can make your brand go from an “eh” reaction to a “wow” reaction.  


When improving your customer service experience online, you want to focus on ways to:

  • • Attract New Customers with an Eye-Pleasing Design
  • • Make Your Site as User Friendly as Possible    
  • • Entertain or Educate Customers to Get Them to Stay
  • • Offer Help Throughout Your Site for Easy Navigation
  • • Encourage Customers to Come Back and Visit Again

Kissmetrics teaches us that, “Visitors who return to e-commerce sites dramatically outperform new visitors. New visitors spend an average of 2 minutes 31 seconds on site compared with 5 minutes 31 seconds for returning visitors.”

So while having new users visiting your site is nice, your conversion goals should focus on your returning visitors. You want your visitors to enter with an impressed feeling and exit with a happy feeling.

How can you accomplish these high customer service standards? Check out these 15 website features that will enhance your user’s overall experience.

Our Customer Service Tips for Your Business Website

  1. 1.) The simplest way to increase your user’s satisfaction levels is ensuring you have a lightning speed website. Google Developers has highly informative PageSpeed Tools you can use to analyze your site’s speed performance.
  1. 2.) We feel it necessary to share that your website needs to be mobile friendly. It’s 2016 and if your site can’t be easily viewed on a mobile device, you’re not going to be winning any user friendly brownie points from visitors. 
  1. 3.) Choose a website design that matches the preferences of your target market. We found this great article, that shows you how to design your site around your desired audience.  
  1. 4.) Spend a lot of time in designing your website’s menu options. Your website’s menu is the roadmap you give your users to find what they need. Wix’s article, Creating the Right Menu for Your Website, is a great tool to get you going in the right direction.
  1. 5.) All customer service tips will always involve how your company is perceived. If you have low resolution or popular photos all over your site, it’s time to change it up. Start taking high resolution photos to build your own unique personal image gallery. If you don’t have the eye or the time to create unique photos, join a stock photo website. However, be careful not to use stock photos your competitors have selected.
  1. 6.) Be original with your content. So many times competitive sites just regurgitate the same information. Find a way to be different than your competitors in your content and presentation.
  1. 7.) What kind of message is your brand portraying? Take a step back and try to look at your site with unbiased eyes. What does your message say about your brand’s personality? Is it favorable? If not, start brainstorming changes to make your site more likeable and harmonized with your company’s goals. 
  1. 8.) Have a website page dedicated to answering your customer’s most frequently asked questions. Don’t just list out dozens of questions and answers in a boring format. Check out this article that will help you design a killer FAQ page.
  1. 9.) Opt ins are those little boxes that pop up on your user’s screen after they’ve been on your site for a predetermined amount of time. They can be highly annoying. But when done correctly, they can enhance your customer’s user experience. For more details, read: Create Your Own Successful Pop-Up with List Builder.
  1. 10.) Offer live chat or 24-hour telephone assistance to your customers. One of the biggest user experience killers is not providing a way for users to contact you immediately with questions. You need to offer a transparent and trustworthy company image.  Studies show, that by not including a contact phone number on your website, you are drastically affecting your lead to client conversions. 
  1. 11.) Simplify your product or service page to enter a niche market. If you’re a small business, don’t try competing with sites like an Amazon by offering hundreds, thousands or millions of products. Try to narrow down your products sold on your website to your top selling items. This will help your customers find what they want with ease.
  1. 12.) Keep users happy and positive by choosing your words carefully. Instead of using: “Click Here to See New Products,” as a call to action, maybe try: “Discover our Amazing New Product Line!” People respond to your word choices whether you know it or not. Here is a list of 30 magic marketing words that your users will love.
  1. 13.) Let your users know why they should trust you. Include your reviews and testimonials on your website. Don’t just opt for a boring, generic way to showcase these client reviews. Try to come up with fresh, creative ways to place your testimonials on your site. For inspiration, click here to see some of the top template designs that’ll impress your audience.  
  1. 14.) After a customer has completed a transaction, follow up with them. Create an auto responder on your site to send an email to your customers with a customer satisfaction survey. Keep it short but try to gauge their satisfaction levels. Once you start receiving customer feedback, you can properly analyze if your efforts are improving over time.
  1. 15.) Last but not least, constantly mystery shop your website. Pretend you’re a customer and poke around your site. Go through the necessary steps to find info on a product or to complete an action. If your site is difficult to navigate, go back to the drawing board and make tweaks to your design.  

We Hope These Customer Service Tips Help Get Your Site an A+ !

Since excellent customer service is at the core of our business’s goals, we hope you’ve learned from these customer service tipsprovided. Follows these tips and you’ll be on the road to achieving an excellent customer experience online for your eCommerce site.

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