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Virtual Office Receptionists Help You Start a Side Business While Working Your Day Job

Are you trying to start a side business while being employed full-time or are you trying to supplement your current income by running a small startup company? If you are moonlighting, get ready for some intensely long work hours and kiss your weekends goodbye. Juggling these two big commitments is going to be a bumpy ride but if you have the right support system in place, your transition from employee to employer doesn’t have to be so rough. In this article, we will discuss how virtual office receptionists help you start your side business or venture with little to no pain.

What a Virtual Office Receptionist Can Do For You

Are You Moonlighting?

You may have heard of the term moonlighting. Moonlighting defined is having a second job, typically secretly and at night, in addition to one’s regular employment. It’s no surprise that most employers are not fans of moonlighting activities because it takes your focus, time and commitment away from their company. 

Be sure to check your employment contract, as many businesses have outlined a specific, “No Moonlighting Policy.” As the definition suggests though, most of the time, employees are working their second job or starting their small business discreetly; away from the watchful eyes of human resources.

This can be dangerous so proceed with caution. You can fall victim to losing your security if word gets around the office about your nightly and weekend business responsibilities.

Things to Consider When Starting a Side Business

Our answering service for small business ventures  has been providing transitional assistance to entrepreneurs for 30 years. We know exactly what’s in store for you in the months to come and want to discuss certain factors that need you need to consider.

We are in complete agreement with Money Crashers, when they list some of the top issues small startup entrepreneurs face when moonlighting. Let’s discuss the challenges you will face and how a live receptionist service can help burden some of those responsibilities.  

Say Goodbye to Your Personal Time

According to Forbes’ Article, “16 Surprising Statistics About Small Businesses,” 52% of all small businesses are home-based. Your startup business is no different and if you think you are busy with your current 40-hour per week job, get ready to be overloaded at home during the evenings and on weekends too.

If you do not make the important decision to hire affordable virtual office receptionists to handle administrative tasks during the day and through the evening, your phone will be on overdrive during family and personal time.

Before venturing out any further into deciding to start a side business, answer these questions honestly:

  • •How many callbacks do you anticipate having to make on a daily basis?
  • •When do you plan on returning phone calls to interested leads or current customers?
  • •How many hours each day will you focus on communicating and reaching out to leads and potential customers?
  • •How many of your suppliers, technicians or outsourced companies will need logistic and other important information relayed to them?

When answering these questions, did your responses involve cutting into family time to be able to run your business communications? If yes, may we suggest hiring our affordable live receptionist service to assist in your telephone and website communications?

For as little as $10 per month, our basic virtual receptionist services can help take the communication component off your shoulders. We can provide general customer service to your calling inquiries, schedule after-hour and weekend conferences for you and even answer frequently asked questions.

All of our services are designed to help free up your schedule while not affecting the productivity of your small business or forcing you to sacrifice precious time with your family and loved ones.

Who Will Be Giving Your Customers Service?

Are you giving out your cell phone number to potential customers and leads? No doubt, they will be calling you during normal 9-5 business hours with questions about your products or services. Are you sending these hard to get, warm leads to your voicemail? If you answered yes to this question, you are throwing business and potential income in the trash; something your new side business cannot afford.

Do you know that, “Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans will hang up on your business if you do not give them an opportunity to speak with a live agent.” Your callers will not understand that you are trying to earn a living while you attempt to open your small business. They will not have sympathy for you when they have a need for your product or service and you are not available to assist them in their buying decision.

You can stop your leads dead in their research phase by providing a live receptionist service to answer their calls 24 hours a day; especially when you cannot. Even the simple act of taking down a callers’ contact information and inquiry in a message format can build a more personal relationship with you and that potential customer. Your callers will feel an emotional tie to your business when you keep the communication lines open.

Allow a small business answering service to satisfy your leads’ immediate need for attention and contact. Remember, in today’s e-commerce world, your target market is used to having support on their timetable.

How We Help Your Side Business Specifically?

Our team can step up to the plate when your hands are tied in your 9-5 job. Below is an example of how a basic and affordable telephone messaging service can work for you:

Virtual Receptionist: “Thank you for calling Skin Products by Lisa. How may I assist you today?”

Calling Lead: “I was looking on your website and was interested in learning more about the rejuvenating skincare package. What are some of the skin line’s unique benefits for sun damaged skin?”

Virtual Receptionist: “The rejuvenating skincare package is one of our top selling items. I can schedule a free consultation with our skincare expert to discuss your specific needs. Or, if you would prefer to do a little more research on your own, we have an excellent solution’s tool on our website that can walk you through the best skin line for your needs.”

Calling Lead: “Oh, I like the idea of the solution’s tool. Where is that on the website?”

Virtual Receptionist: “If you go to the top menu bar, you can select the solution’s tool from our website helper page. I can also send you information about that line as well through email. What is the best email address that I can send this beauty report to?”     

Calling Lead: “That would be great, thanks! It’s”

Virtual Receptionist: “Perfect. Okay, Karen, I have sent our beauty expert your message and she will be gathering information to send to you. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

Calling Lead: “No, you have been very helpful, thank you so much.”

Virtual Receptionist: “You are very welcome, Karen, and please do not hesitate to call back if you would like to place your order or if you have any further questions. Have a great day!”

After we hang up with Karen, we will send you a phone message with her contact information and specific inquiry. You will now have a lead that you know has a specific interest in your rejuvenating product and what type of skin problems she is researching. When you get home from work, you can simply shoot an email to Karen and start building upon the personal customer service that our answering service for small business started.

Call us today for a custom virtual office recepionists rate!

A Courteous Communications takes pride in being able to work with any side business or new entrepreneur’s budget. Click here to send us a message and request a custom rate for affordable virtual office receptionists to assist you with your new business communications.

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