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Month: October 2016

How to Prepare Your Business for a Hurricane
Is your business located in an area that is prone to hurricanes? Being an emergency answering servicelocated in Florida, we’ve seen our share of hurricanes and tropical storms since opening our doors back in 1986. Our business has backup plans for our backup plans that have kept us in operation through Hurricane Charlie, Francis, Jean and
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Quick, are these 7 morale killers ruining your office environment?
At one point in your career, chances are, you’ve had to endure a horrible office environment; we’ve all been there. Where every day feels like it’s the worst day and you dread waking up and heading into work. The entire day goes by in super slow speed and you may have found yourself intensely staring
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How a Telephone Messaging Service Works for Your Business
“What is a telephone messaging service and how can it help my business?” If you’re typing this popular question into Google, this article spotlighting our answering and messaging services will give you the information you seek. Read on to learn, in detail, how a virtual receptionist team can answer your calls 24 hours a day and forward
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#WorkHack: Keep Work at the Office and Out of Your Weekend
How many times a week do you call home to let your family know that you’re going to have to stay late at the office? How often are your weekends ruined because you decided to take work home with you instead of spending quality time with your friends and love ones? If you’re trying to
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