Emergency Dispatching Services
Whether you are a lawyer that provides 24 hour services to your clients or you are a property manager that has emergency service professionals on call, we can get that caller’s emergency to the right person. We can also help During your consultation with our programmers and account specialists, you tell us exactly how to answer your business lines; which includes, customizing your emergency procedures. You will train us to create distinctions on what calls need to be addressed immediately, and those types of calls that can wait until your office opens the next morning.
Our Emergency Dispatching Services will allow you to be available 24/7
Hire our virtual emergency receptionists to ensure that when your phone rings in the middle of the night concerning your business, you know it’s an emergency. Sleep better knowing your business is in good hands with our emergency dispatching answering services.
A Courteous Communications has been answering the telephone lines for small and large businesses since 1986. During that time, our services have aided companies in keeping communications open with their customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; especially through tough times such as never ending snowstorms or natural disasters. Our state of the art technology and backup generators ensure that our 24 hour call center never goes down or receives service interruptions. We hold our heads incredibly high over here at A Courteous Communication Answering Service and we proudly share that we have never experienced service interruption in the nearly thirty years of service. That’s a track record your business can trust!