Marketing And Media Answering Services
In today’s faster paced global arena speed is of the essence for those who produce and market media of any form. What’s brand-new today becomes dated much sooner and then there is always the knockoff artists and “idea theives” that you always need to stay one step ahead of. We here it Courteous Communications stand at the ready to be the backup that you need to help you maximize the return on your investment.
24 Hour Lead Capture & Management
Your media promotion efforts are all for nothing if you don’t have the right people and technology in place to capture the leads that they generate. We answer calls and respond to chats and e-mails in a real-time basis 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We also offer free of charge software tools be integrated on your site that allow us to be proactive in capturing leads by initiating chats based on preset triggers such as time that a visitor might spend viewing a page or product.
24 Hour Real Time Order Processing
Even as the Internet does broaden your horizons in terms of lead capture, seconds count with today’s more fickle and easier distracted shopper. So the answer is simple, and that is to have operators whoa are trained and experienced in effective sales techniques 24 hours a day, seven days a week to turn those leads into closed deals before they have a chance to drift away.
Legal Marketing
Providing support for your legal marketers helps them to get the leg up they need to compete effectively online as they work to a distribute your product. So just any operator won’t do and this is why we have our own trained and experienced Team Legal associates to provide assistance and solutions 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year-round, nonstop.
Direct Response Makes the Difference
Promotional campaigns generate interest and interest in turn generates responses from interested parties. People who have questions they need answered before they become buyers. We prescreen all our prospective employees to ensure that they are intelligent and self-motivated enough to qualify for the higher standard of service that we provide for our clients. Even then they operate in strict accordance to your preset protocols, scripts and instructions so that everything they do and say is done to your exact specifications.
As a marketer you must surly understand that to compete in today’s fast paced Web driven market speed and flexibility are crucial to running a successful campaign. So your response time can be your weak point or your strong point depending on how you approach it. Know right now that relying on voice mail may save you money on this front end but it will bleed you out on the backend. This is because recent statistics have shown that up to 30% of callers simply hang up on voicemail rather than leave a recorded response. Then as far as e-mails and chats are concerned, if the interested party has made more than one contact ‘the early bird gets the worm’. So this is precisely why more advertising, public relations, and other assorted media organizations are now partnering with Courteous Communications.
Outsource While Maintaining Control
With so many call and Internet communications fielding services out there of varying degrees of competency and levels of client service handing the job of communicating with your clients over strangers doesn’t come without its risks. This is why we work closely with you the client to develop scripts and protocols for our team media call fielding associates to operate by. As each call comes in all your instructions and specifics are instantly displayed on the screen as is the ability to access your website. So nothing is left to chance and as far as your callers are concerned they’re talking to a person sitting at a desk in your front office.
Here to Lead or to Be Your Backup
We remain completely flexible in terms of how we partner with the firms we work with. Flexible in terms of task assignments that are handed to us and all so ready to implement any changes you feel need to be made in a real-time basis. So we can work side-by-side with your staff during the day to provide backup on high-volume call situations or full-time 24 hours a day if you need a ready-made team to step in and assume the role as your front-line team for your marketing and promotion campaigns.