Customer and Phone Answering Services
Even though your business may be closed due to a legitimate reason such as an emergency, inclement weather, holidays or after-hours, you still do not want to risk losing any business because you are not able to answer your phones. Legitimate though your reason may be, new customers may not understand the reason your business is closed and decide to deal with another company instead. To safeguard against losing any potential customers, take advantage of the customer answering services offered here by A Courteous Communications.
Services Rendered by our phone answering service
By choosing our customer answering services, you are opening the door to even greater possibilities for growth in your business. One of your major concerns may be that your customers will have to deal with an impersonal, automated receptionist. A Courteous Communications too understands that customers often prefer to speak with a live person. Knowing such, a well-staffed team of highly trained agents will be standing by ready and available to answer all of your incoming calls every day of the year, 24 hours a day. Rest assured that every call received by the receptionists here at A Courteous Communications will be not only be taken with politeness and professionalism, but the messages will be recorded accurately and sent to you by any means you prefer—screened or unscreened warm-transfers, voicemail, email or fax. Other available messaging options include call forwarding of any phone number or any number of phone lines and paging. Benefit from the wide experience of all the receptionists here at A Courteous Communications who have successfully served a variety of agencies, including financial, government, legal, medical, national, real estate, utilities and so many more.
Our customer and phone answering service benefits package
By taking advantage of the customer and phone answering services available, your business will be greatly benefited. For a fraction of the cost of adding another full-time receptionist on your payroll, you have access to hundreds of already trained receptionists here at A Courteous Communications. Now instead of spending time and money to interview, train and pay an additional employee, you may focus more of your time and money directly investing in your business. Not only will your costs be lowered, but you will never again miss a phone call as your business will essentially be open 24/365. A Courteous Communications carefully monitors the level of call traffic your business receives so that they can adjust accordingly to provide your customers will the smallest call waiting time possible. Additional benefits to customer answering service include offering customer service and support to all your customers as well as a help desk to deal with technical questions. In a world with many languages, it is also important that you are able to communicate in other languages. The customer answering service will also solve this problem for you by providing multilingual agents.
Start improving your business today by choosing customer and phone answering services. By investing in your business’ communication you will raise your customer satisfaction levels and grow your business to even greater proportions than before.