Business and Medical Answering Services for De Land, Florida
Here at A Courteous Communications, we have been providing the most reasonable answering service in De Land for the past 28 years. During this journey, we have gained an ample number of satisfied customers based on our dedication and hard work. We consider your callers as our own customers and will treat them accordingly. We not only greet your callers professionally but also provide prompt response to their queries. We train our attendants in accordance with your business requirements. For example, if you are a large local hospital like Florida Hospital Deland, Pinkie Resale Shop, and Florida Hospital DeLand Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, we have a team trained in HIPAA complaint answering services to answer the phone in your company name and schedule appointments in your existing system (if necessary).
Over time, our team of attendants develops into your virtual receptionists. Apart from handling your phone calls, they can setting-up your appointments, route emergency phone calls, and pass important messages to you immediately via e-mail, text, live or fax.
We have designed four separate service plans that can compliment any type of business in De Land. Each plan intends to provide the finest services based on your businesses needs. Our growth depends on the growth of our customers and their business. Thus, high end performance on call handling is crucial to our businss. After choosing a business plan, please pick from one of the following available area codes for De Land:
305, 321, 352, 407, 561, 727, 786, 813, 850, 863, 904, 941, or 954
We look forward to welcoming you to our family and becoming a part of yours!