Working in a business answering service is a highly underrated career; we’re more than just a voice on the other end of a telephone. Our team is responsible for acting as a gatekeeper and assistant for thousands of businesses. We must be on our game 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365
Our virtual receptionists love having fun in our call center while hard at work helping our customers’ customers. In this special article, we want to showcase some of the most famous fictional receptionists seen in movies and films. Although most of the receptionists that make our list wouldn’t pass our strict hiring process, we still
Have you ever called an office and had a receptionist chewing gum in your ear when you’re trying to leave a message? Or have you waited for a call back from the attorney you left a message for, only to find out the receptionist wrote down the wrong phone number? Having an informed and trained
Do plumbers need a receptionist or some sort of administrative help? We think so. If you’re the proud owner of a small plumbing business or work as a mobile plumbing contractor, we want to show you how a virtual receptionist can help grow your plumbing business overnight. Here are the top 10 ways an after-hours answering
As a business owner, you should get into the habit of looking at every incoming call as a potential sale. The ringing of your business telephone should excite you. After all, getting the attention of a new customer is half the battle and if they’re calling, you only have one opportunity to make a great