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Telephone Messaging Answering Services During 3-Day Holiday Weekends

A Courteous Answering Service hopes you had an amazing 3-day weekend; enjoying the time off with family and friends this past President’s Day. If you are like many businesses that were closed to observe this national holiday, we welcome you back to the office this fine Tuesday morning. We know that the extra day of rest was nice, but that you will most likely spend a large portion of your workday returning phone calls that were missed the past three days. There is a better and more efficient way to spend your first day back in the office and we want to share how a telephone messaging answering services could save your business a whole lot of time and money during future 3-day weekends.

What our telephone messaging answering services can do for you business

Answering Machine Messaging Duty

We can picture what’s happening in your office right now. You just opened the doors, turned on the lights and started to brew your first pot of coffee for the day. The answering machine light is blinking at you, begging for you to retrieve all of the messages your business received during the long weekend. You sit down at the receptionist desk and fumble with the telephone, pen and message pad. Your robotic machine lets you know that there are twenty messages waiting for you.

You take the time to go through the first five phone messages, writing down the important information before deleting them and moving on to the next message. You are about to listen to the sixth phone message in line and your business telephone rings persistently. You don’t have a virtual receptionist team that can answer your overflow calls when you are busy so, you have to abandon the task of writing messages down midway.     

You hang up on your answering machine to answer the new incoming phone call and help the customer with their question. After hanging up the receiver, you pick it right back up to continue taking down the stored messages. You learn that ten of the phone messages were just dead silence before a click, indicating your caller hung up without leaving a message. Any business owner knows that a caller hanging up is like a consumer leaving the checkout line because they were tired of waiting. No message left equals no sale made!

After writing down all of your messages, you now begin the task of calling the customers back to get a better understanding of how you can assist them or, delivering the message to the appropriate department to handle the return call.

This process can take hours of your important productivity time and even days if you get voicemails when you make the return calls. Let’s learn how a 24 hour telephone answering service could save you this mundane task each time you return from a 3-day weekend.

Custom Telephone Messaging Service

If you had a 24 hour telephone messaging answering service, you would have forwarded your business calls on Friday right before leaving your office. Our award winning answering service would have intercepted all twenty of your callers and offered them a warm, friendly person to speak with.

Depending on your products or services, your virtual receptionist would have been able to assist you with our custom answering service features:

  • •24 Hour Telephone Customer Service and Support
  • •Answers to Your Callers’ Frequently Asked Questions
  • •Directing Callers to Specific Employee or Department Extensions
  • •Providing Business Hours and Location Details
  • •Emergency Calls Dispatching to On-Call Personnel
  • •Interested Consumers Patched to Specific Sales Representative
  • •Detailed Messages and Caller Information Provided Through Text or Email
  • •Phone Order Taking or On-Line Order Assistance and Troubleshooting
  • •Credit Card and Secure Payment Processing
  • •Any Unique Telephone Support Services Specific to Your Business
  • •The Ability to Return to More Productive Work Tasks When You Return From Your Day Off!

Go Ahead, Take the Day Off With Confidence

We put a big emphasis on the fact that a modern day business should never shut down communication with potential and current customers; you must remain available 24/7. At the same time, you and your staff should be able to enjoy long holidays and vacations without worrying about your ringing telephones. When you decide to send your employees home for three days straight, we know you will have confidence in our virtual receptionist team to get the job done accurately and efficiently.

According to OPM (The Office of Personnel Management), you have 7 more federal holidays to look forward to in 2015, including:

Memorial Day | May 25, 2015

Independence Day | July 4, 2015

Labor Day | September 7, 2015

Columbus Day | October 12, 2015

Veterans Day | November 11, 2015

Thanksgiving Day | November 26, 2015

Christmas Day | December 25, 2015

Choose our telephone messaging answering service and start enjoying your holidays!

Who will be answering your telephone lines and helping your callers on these holidays? Click here to send us a message now and see how affordable our holiday telephone messaging answering service can be.

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business holiday hourshow to handle holiday hoursTelephone Answering ServiceTelephone Messaging Servicevirtual office receptionist